The current craze that is taking over Japan is not some fashion accessory nor some cutesy anime character. Though the aforementioned fads may still be quite popular, there is a rapidly increasing demand for an Indian education. Over the past several years, Japan has suffered (and is suffering) from a 'crisis of confidence'.

With the rise of the Dragon (China) and the Elephant (India), Japan is no longer viewing itself as Asia's most advanced nation. Forced into a flux, Japan's domination of the continent has been shaken as China and India gain economic weight and become technologically innovative, respectively. As a result, Japanese parents are becoming worried about their traditional systems of education which seem feeble in comparison to the general Indian curriculum. In Little Angels School, a school run by a India expatriate, two-year olds count to 20, three-year olds are introduced to computers, and five-year olds are able to multiply past 9x9, solve words problems, and write one-page English essays. Really though, this doesn't come as a huge shock once you learn that one of their textbooks is called, "Extreme Indian Arithmetic Drills." Even reading that title makes you feel empowered with Einsteinian math skills.
Sources: "Losing an Edge, Japanese Envy India's Schools"