"ad astra per alia porci"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This one's for you, bro!

Dear Blood, Sweat and Tears,

My mind is better.
My determination is better.
My sight is better.
My better is better.

Boo ya.

In other news, I just remembered that I never wrote about those diamonds. Maybe they were a little too crazy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Case of the Tuesdays

Dear Little Men Who Say Great Things,

Upon reading an article about China, I wondered what else the man who said, "Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world." Turns out he said some pretty interesting things...

"Impossible n'est pas francais."

"An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep."

and finally...

"Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent."

Do ya know who it is???

Starts with an 'N' and ends with -apoleon Bonaparte. Not bad eh?

In other news, I'm no longer sure what I should do with my life (read: Tuesday nights) because my all-time favorite reality TV show, Bondi Rescue, just came to its end. It was a raw show documenting the men whose jobs are to constantly save people from the deadly but enthralling swirling waters of the South Pacific Ocean. HOT BODIES HOT BODIES HOT BODIES. I can only hope that I am around next year to be: a) watch the 2008/9 seasons, b) be rescued by said lifeguards or c) be married off to said lifeguards. Not picky...preferably the latter two would be the best though.

Also, I just vacuumed my room so I am now taking suggestions for future blog topics.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cop out.

Dear Lameness,

Sorry there won't be any posts this week cause I gots me a mucho (thats spanish for gigantor) important preeesentation at the end of the week. Being the twat that I am I volunteered to be a presenter which means I will be shitting my pants for the next few days and do everything in my power to prepare.

So yes, no bloggypoos. Sadly, I am pompous enough to post this apology. Meh...can't will 'em all now can you?

A throwback to old times...thanks Lorne for reminding
me that so-and-so still exists!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cause I got a domeache.

Dear Gel Caps,

Just in case you haven't seen it...

I'm sad. I didn't get to glow with Rihanna. But I'm more sad that her hair is so short. You know what else? Sometimes I'm amazed that one day I can write about international law and then next I will comment on Rihanna's dome-do. Multi-faceted? Yes. Brilliant? Yes. Shiniest superstar? But of course.

Tomorrow... diamonds.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Off to sleep now, perchance to dream

Dear Century + 1 Club,

A recent lecture has provided me with a humbling experience and kicked me off the supposed high horse (miniature pony might be more like it?) I had mounted. I cannot recall learning in great detail anything about international law. I know law as a concept exists to provide a framework in which society operates. I know there is domestic law and I know there is international...in between these two levels (which do not necessarily like vertically but more diagonally to each other) there is a whole slew of Latin phrases. I know that international law is seen as "weak" and "futile" due to its inability to efficiently enforce what it originally sought to achieve.

States are most often compelled to abide by international rules and regulations the following reasons (including but not limited to):
  • diplomatic relations (think reciprocity)
  • power of public opinion
  • possibility of sanctions
  • threat of the use of force
Sometimes however, states still choose not to. So what then? What I think THE most fundamental part of international law is its use as an advocacy tool. While critics of international law as it stands today will say that there is no "global police force," I strongly believe that people in both big and small numbers are one of the most powerful means of affecting change. Take the Declaration of Human Rights for example...though this document is purely aspirational and not legally binding to any of the signatories, it is a pivotal instrument when garnering attention to many issues (E.g. the death penalty in Singapore).

The end.

PS. Congrats to you and me for getting to one hundred and one!


Friday, April 25, 2008

No dunce pour moi!

Dear yellow kerchiefs,


Heres a quick synopsis of the things that went down in my mind:
  1. Rats sweat through their tails.
  2. Two Ups is a drinking and gambling played only on Australia Day and ANZAC Day -- it involves flipping a coin, making it spin, and getting stupid drunk.
  3. Shia LaBeouf is my dream in man form.
  4. Ziploc bags do wonders for sending cookies overseas.
  5. I don't melt in the rain.
Have an most excellent weekend!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boom dee ada boom dee ada!

Dear the things I love,

Thanks to Christian for this commercial from the Discovery Channel.

I love the rainstorms!
I love the moon and stars!
I love the fishies!
I love to read books!
I love the whole world and all its sights and sounds!
Boom dee ada boom dee ada boom dee ada