The concept of "unity in diversity" is usually associated with the mosaic that is India. I suppose it could also describe Canada, Australia, London and any other multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multilingual society. A certain wiki source defines the idea as, "a socio-ecological philosophy that describes a sense of oneness despite physical or psychological barriers."
Take this idea and apply it to the world agenda.

With the advent of citizen journalism, in which everyday yous play a significant role in the process of collecting and disseminating information, issues can have much further reach than even five years ago. Take for example the situation in Myanmar. Initially, most of the images and video footage came from ordinary folks who documented then shared the events on the information superhighway. Another example is the upcoming 'Blog Action Day' on October 15th. The objective is to bring as much attention to a global problem as possible by asking bloggers to discuss the same issue: the environment. So far 10 092 bloggers have signed up hoping to reach an audience of over 7 million people.
I think Yochai Benkler said it best: "The capacity to make meaning...and the capacity to communicate one's meaning around the world, are held by, or readily available to, at least many hundreds of millions of users around the globe."
Now to think of an innovative means in which to tell people to flick off...
Check out this video for a better feel of the gist.
Whatcha going to talk about for Blog Action Day? How bout the environment of you sucking!
Oh BURN! Do you need some lotion for that wicked burn? Maybe some aloe vera. I heard it helps.
A global problem is YOUR FACE!!.. being so ugly that is, and i'm not talking retarted down syndrome kid next door ugly, I'm talking like the kind that even Heller Keller would scream, and it would be so loud you'd knock ugly old Steven Hawking into out of his robot chair and into a pile of mud. Ugly mud. But thats alright, Steve still gets the ladies. .. word up Stevie. Yeah we're buds, and thats how we roll, well he rolls, i just jauntily skip beside him, telling the world that if Al Gore saw your face he'd make a documentary to save it, but no one would take him seriously because its Al Gore, and he's a vagina. Well i best cut off before i start to ramble... anyhooo... YOUR FACE!!
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