To recap from yesterday's article, nations are approached by the general public in the same manner that consumer products are. Thus it is imperative that nations are branded in a manner which projects their qualities, whatever they may be. Realistically, most people do not have the means (whether that be resources, time etc.) to research, learn, and then form educated opinions on their fellow 6 billion neighbours, 199 other countries, kazillion rival companies, or even whether to go green or not. That is why image is everything and perceptions can either act as the elixir or poison to any commodity.
Yesterday, Brand Africa was mentioned as a continent which is a victim of the 'continent brand effect'. However, it is not the only one that is suffering bad press. In a poll done by a British think-thank, the United States came up as fourth on the list of countries that negatively influence the world (right after Iran, Israel, and North Korea). Uh-oh. However, nation branding is not limited to the naysayers of the world, as it also appeals to those states which barely register on the radar (E.g. Poland), to those trying to make their mark (E.g. India), and to those which are trying to stay on top (E.g. Switzerland). So...what to do?
Simon Anhols quotes Socrates in an attempt to embody what states must do in order to re-brand their image, "the way to achieve a better reputation is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear." Of course it is much easier said than done, but it is a staring point. Because countries are not products, they cannot be marketed in the same manner to which beer is sold. The only way a country can improve its image is if it makes fundamental changes from within - "government, business and society [must] undergo a renaissance in innovation." With creativity and entrepreneurship comes ideas. These ideas then create a buzz, and this buzz makes its way around the world. Once the buzz falls on enough ears, people start to talk. When there are enough people talking you have that coveted reputation and minds begin to change.

Source: The Monocle (issue 06, vol. 01)
1 comment:
this has nothing to do with your interesting post.. i just thought you might like this neato picture of an analemma that includes a total solar eclipse, watch out!!
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