"ad astra per alia porci"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Good Mornian!

Dear Fallen Branch,

Sorry for my absence, I know you must have all thought that I have been under the weather as They say but alas it has been a downed internet connection that has prevented me from connecting with you. See what I did there? I just linked you, me, and the internet together in a web of entanglement. Mhm. Moving on...

A huge branch fell down in my yard, I'm still reading the same book I was a month ago, I have a quiz tomorrow which I haven't studied for, I was partnered with Mean Girl in Muay Thai yesterday, I don't have any pants, I have to go to work today, and my mom still thinks I'm a fat kid. Besides that my wrist is healing with flying colours and my hair looks particularly volumized today (thank my pillow).

This week will be better. My posts have sucked, I will try to jump of the suckage train and onto the new Boeing 777. Get it??? Anybody?? No? Oh.

Pants. My legs are jealous, and cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tres chic
tres tres chic