"ad astra per alia porci"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Don't Believe Everything You Read!!!

To silly rumor starters,

Guys, I just wanted to clear things up before you read about these outrageous rumors somewhere else.

A few weeks ago me and my friend were vacationing in Hawaii and the paparazzi managed to get some shots of us. This picture somehow got leaked onto the internet and made it into Rolling Stone. So I just want to make one thing absolutely clear: Zac and I are JUST friends. Even though we're holding hands, frolicking on the beach, and totally just made out...its kinda what friends do these days. Its not like we went back to the hotel to do things that probably shouldn't be mentioned in public, in fact we just sat on our balcony and made friendship bracelets for each other. By friendship bracelets I mean he sang me a montage from Hairsrpay while I choreographed a synchronized swimming routine in the hot tub.

Laundry anyone? GET IT??! Cause he's got a washboard
boo ya.
Also, today I figured out how to background fill a table on MS word...WHAT DID YOU DO? HUH?

Over and oot.


lorne.chi said...

zak? I thought his name was vince? ;D

lilly p said...

HAHHAAHAH! well played my friend well played!