Dear Meaning,
A bold type, a green light, and the middle finger.
A red hexagon, an downwards pointing arrow, and a skull.
The Big Dipper, a scepter, and a pennies over the eyes.
Symbols have a place in every person's history and language. These icons represent a greater meaning through resemblance, convention, or association, and can be both intricate or simple. From a thumbs up to Plato's infamous Divided Line to Rockafella's diamond, universal signs allude to something more rich in meaning. Here are a few that I've found...
Khanda -- a very important symbol in Sikhism which alludes to the four weapons used by Sikhs during the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the last Guru of the Sikhs. The image represents the infinite life of God and his perfection. The four weapons are:
- Khanda -- the double edged sword in the middle representing God's duality (Miri = political sovereignty and Piri = spiritual sovereignty)
- Chakkar -- the circular weapon surrounding the Khanda
- Kirpans -- the two single-edged swords surrounding the first two weapons

Aum -- this symbol to the right is written in Tibetan script but orginally comes from Hindu texts. It is placed at the beginning and at the end of all spiritual readings as a sacred exclamation. The etymology of this word is believed to come from the Sanskrit name of the syllable
pranava which in turn is rooted in the word
nu which translates into "shout" or "praise."
Ouroboros -- this ancient symbol has meaning in both religion and mythology. Generally the dragon or serpent swallowing its own tail represents the cyclical aspect of one's life and unity. The name
Ouroboros is the Greek word meaning "tail-eater" and the image of the serpent is believed to have come from the cosmos as many believed that a serpent of light resided in the heavens.
check this sucka out for a christmas present.
this one is a Panda PC... looks like a real panda. And if you buy one they save a panda, if you don't they kill it. kidding!!!.... not really.
word out gangsta lady.
so i want another tatoo, s find me a cool symbol or something
umm how about my initials: L "TG" P
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