Ah...the end of the week for both me and you. Fun, eh? I think so. The week always starts out so full of pazzazz (sp?) and then seems to dwindle off. It is quite a rarity that someone looks forward to Mondays as much as yours truly. Alas, Monday is still a ways off so in the meantime I'll entertain with the traditional edumacation sum-up for the past week.
1) Australia participates in daylight savings too! See we are not forgotten down here.
2) People doing karaoke should be shot. Disregard all of my prior opinions regarding universal human rights as NO ONE should be subjected to some chickypoo singing into one of those portable machines. Think 6 billion people...times that by the number of ears each one has...throw some animals in there and those not yet born. I've never been a wiz at math but yeah thats about 100 billion people who don't want you to sing.
3) How to spell K-A-R-A-O-K-E
4) People see what they want to see. I was going to write that people hear what they want to hear but I'm hearing numero dos and my whole being is against it.
5) I have a distinct and strange emptiness in my body. Something is missing, something vital to my well-being and happiness has simply vanished...I haven't had a cookie in two weeks! Something is definetely wrong with the world. Hopefully, this predicament will be remedied tomorrow.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://notebooks-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
I wanted a cookie. So I got one for lunch. Boo yeah
haiku about cookies!
i have a cookie
i am so very hungry
i miss my cookie
i miss u
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