"ad astra per alia porci"

Friday, September 7, 2007

Almost Legit

To cargo pants everywhere,

This dude appropriately named Odbol has invented Drum Pants. "But L-Peezy," you ask "What is this crazy apparatus?" Well my friends, its pretty much drums sewn into some dude's pants. I KNOW. Though it sounds pretty dumb, and I must admit it is.....its like what?? Pockets weren't good enough??? Now my pants need to recreate percussion instruments?!?!

Odbol has broken down the traditional walls that have surrounded leg-garments. People are now capable of sporting pants which allow wearers (?) to beat out their own personal drum solos by tapping different parts of said piece of clothing. Through crazy technology and like electrons and maybe an atom or something, "the wearer thusly becomes a cyborg musician." Enough said.

I don't know....I feel I'm going to have to throw back to the good ol' days when kids were content with just making horsie sounds on their laps. To the races my comrades!

Odbol as a cyborg musician. Dum bum dum.

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