Amongst a world of violence, Coca-Cola, and pollution, two men have turned back to what drives humans to act the way we do. There is an increasing amount of discourse about the expanding gaps within the global community that have prompted a series of reactions. For example, religion, sexuality, and gender all act as poles to which we find ourselves being pulled towards in an effort to transcend a feeling of anonymity. Another example might be which is similar to Facebook but with a much higher level exclusivity.
Unlike these movements towards isolation, We Feel Fine is a project that reverts back to the basic human nature. Happiness. Anger. Jealousy. Guilty. Love. Awesomeness. All feelings of human emotion which are compiled to "explore human emotion on a global scale." This mind grenade was originally detonated in 2005 by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar, computer scientists by day and internet anthropologists by night. They both set out with the objective to, "make the world seem a little smaller" by gathering thousands of human emotions that were shared on the information superhighway. The program works by scanning updated blogs (think Blogger, Flickr etc.) for the words "I feel" and "I am feeling." From there, information such as gender, age, and even weather are saved in a database and organized onto various interfaces. Users can then choose a preferred interface (We Feel Fine calls them 'movements') and sift through the millions of feelings felt worldwide. So that people do not feel intruded upon, We Feel Fine only gathers information that is posted online and vows to never associate individual human names with the results that are displayed.
As of 11 am this morning 9 million feelings have been gathered, and I must admit its nice to realize that somewhere out there someone also needs a tissue.

As of 11 am this morning 9 million feelings have been gathered, and I must admit its nice to realize that somewhere out there someone also needs a tissue.

Damn... that was AWESOME!
tolda so!
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