In the spirit of the new school year I have a list of new words so I can talk gooder.
1) SNAFU - originally an acronym from WWII it stands for 'Situation Normal: All Fucked Up'. In modern terms it can be used in a context where something went awry in an otherwise A-ok situation.
Eg. Lillian thought her life was going as planned until she found herself in a snafu. She can now be found crying in a corner.
2) PANOPLY -a complete and impressive array of something.
Eg. Lillian's smile is a panoply of teeth. It can bring sight to the blind, food to the starving, and love to an otherwise violent snafu.
3) BEATIFY - (pronounced bee-ett-ify) to become a holy person i.e. declare a person (posthumously) blessed.
Eg. Lillian, though not dead, has been beatified because she saved the world from a self-destructing snafu with her panoply of a grin.
4) ACQUIESCENCE - acceptance without protest.
Eg. Lillian is now President, Prime Minister, Queen and Ruler of all things Kablamo. You believe this because you are in the state of being acquiescent.

I'm a panoply of awesomeness
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