Ah, the beloved hump day. Unfortunately the week for me can only get worse BUT I suppose on the positive side there are only 2 days when it can be absolutely horrible (to be said in a French accent).
But today I do not want to discuss the looming unkablamoness of my upcoming midterm, I do not want to let the world know that my looking ball still resembles a squashed tomato, I do not want people to feel sorry for me and the depressing rain...no, no, no, today I want to talk about fascinating things.
Like me.
Kidding...not about me being fascinating but about me talking about me being fascinating. Fascinating to me is crazy cool amazing phenomenal scintillating challenging and non-challenging alike nouns. Like Kitty. She's a thing, a dog to be exact AND the world's coolest dog at that. Another example is The Darjeeling Limited - a well-done five star movie which mixes comedy with the fantabulous colours of India. What else is fascinating? Hmm...lightning, thunder, rain but not drizzle, libros, books and livres, levers, salmon, lakes, fresh water likes, fresh water lakes at high altitudes, Ad's birthday, posters of gigantic things like fish, a globe that opens and theres rum in it, photos, photos in black and white to make things look more artistic, a 10-year old girl selling paintings for copious amounts of cash, turtles and the fall season. Just to make it clear, frogs are not, I repeat are NOT, fascinating in any shape, size or form.
The next and last fascinating thing I'm going to talk about today is this blog called "Indexed". This imaginative character/blogger depicts the situations of life on Venn diagrams and simple supply-demandesque graphs in an attempt to, "make fun of some things and sense of others."
Check it, yo.
When are you going to put content on your serious site?
I wrote an article on the coolio pictures/graphs about the arms race/water etc from the Princeton site.
Applied it to my world, but it's still cool. Kudos on finding that stuff.
rum on the bum.
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