"ad astra per alia porci"

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fats To Get a Letter

Dear Husky,

As I was perusing the daily headlines I stumbled upon this one: "Parents of obese children in U.K. may get warning letters" I'm not going to say whether this is a good idea or not. I don't know if the letters will actually affect change or even if its the schools' moral obligation to send these types of letters.

On one hand sending a memo entitled "Re: YOUR KID EATS BABIES FOR BREKKIE" is not nice and thus probably not the most effective way of making a difference. I mean authorities don't send letters out telling parents that their child is ugly...but then again being hideous isn't necessarily a hazard to one's health or detrimental to a population. Furthermore, I'm not sure if this is the wake-up call parental units will need to get their offspring to board the health train. If anything, such letters will probably anger parents prompting them to become defensive of their little porker. I think instead of battling the increasing obesity epidemic governments should lead by example. For instance, if Mrs. Clinton become presidito, she should probably encourage her and her flame to shed some poundage. Look at Sarkozy! Always photographed running, in rockin' suits, his ex-wife is a slim fashionista and the results? France is skinny. Point proven.

HOWEVER, it is slightly amusing that instead of getting an 'F' for fail on your report card you get an 'F' for fat on your weight card! Haha, lame...Sorry. But on a serious note such a proposal is telling that obesity is becoming on par with the serious issues that require a note being sent home (E.g. drug and alcohol abuse). With that being said, I'm going to go on a 15 km run...run I mean eat, and by 15 km I mean cookies.

A completely unrelated picture...L'il Roar Roar on the
left and Kitty on the right.

1 comment:

MsKarenAu said...

you get me howling with laughter everytime.

well, not howling. but you know.